WELCOMERS We are urgently in need of help on Saturday afternoons. It is important to keep St Giles’ open, as we have high numbers of visitors. Can you possibly help? Please see Warden Trish if you can. We will be very grateful.

OPEN BOOK This project which shares Bible stores in a fun and interactive way in School Assemblies hopes to re-open in Wrexham. If you could be interested, there is a meeting to explore this at St Margaret’s Church on Wednesday 7th February from12.30 –1.15 pm. You will very welcome!

TCC The Annual Planning Day will be held on Saturday 3rd February at Caia Park Partnership on Prince Charles Road between 10am and 3pm. Please speak to Melissa Griffiths if you would like to attend.

CHILDREN’S BOOKS Scarlett Moore, a young member of our All Age Worship congregation, is collecting new/nearly new children’s books for the patients at Alder Hey hospital. If you have any books suitable for children between the ages of 0-16 please drop them off at church. If you feel you could support Scarlett’s appeal please ensure books are dropped off by Sunday 4th February at the latest.

CARE FOR THE FAMILY This national charity promotes strong family life and offers Couples, Parents and Bereavement support to help those in difficulties. More can be found on 02929 810800

100 CLUB January: 79 Dewi Hughes 141 Noah Whitham 67 Thomas Whitham


SUPPORTING ST GILES’  We are especially grateful for all forms of donation.

You can give by the Gift Direct Scheme (leaflets available) or by Standing Order to Wrexham Parish Church ( 40-47-26 account 30883182) or by our Stewardship Scheme - to give a one-off gift: Or a monthly gift here:

Please note that donations may be made via the Contactless Terminal, which accepts £3, £5 or £10, or by the QR code which can accept any amount. Both are to be found at the back of the Church.

AMAZONSMILE  You can also nominate St Giles’ as your charity with Amazon