St Giles’ Parish Church, Wrexham welcomes YOU.
Sunday 9.30am: All Age Worship
Sunday 11am: Said Holy Eucharist
Thursday 11am: Said Holy Eucharist
Monday to Saturday: 10am-4pm
For all enquiries please contact at any time:
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01978 355808
If you are making a long journey to visit us, or have specific reasons for doing so eg. research on Family History, then to avoid any disappointment you may wish to check with us in advance.
Please follow the link below for further information:
Climb the Tower at St Giles Wrexham | Explore Churches
St Giles Parish Church is located in Wrexham Town Centre. (Post Code LL13 8LS)
By Train or Bus: Alight at the General Railway Station or Bus Station. St. Giles is only a 10 minute walk away in the direction of the Town Centre and the Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre.
By Car: The Town Centre is readily accessible from the A483 (Travelling from North – Chester or South – Oswestry); A541 (Mold) & A525 (Ruthin – Travelling from the West); A534 (Crewe and Nantwich) & A525 (Whitchurch – Travelling from the East).
On approaching the Town Centre, follow the signs towards A525 Whitchurch and ‘Eagles Meadow’. St. Giles is very near the Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre, however, the car park in the Churchyard is very small and is extremely limited and restricted to the mobility impaired, clergy and church officials. There are two other car parks nearby from which St. Giles is clearly visible and only a short walk away.
General public car parking is available at:
- the Pay and Display car park below the Church operated by Wrexham County Borough Council, accessed from St. Giles Way (LL13 7AD). Access from this car park into the Churchyard is up a short but steep flight of steps.
- the Pay and Display car park under the Eagles Meadow Shopping Centre (LL13 8DG)
By Coach (Group Travel): From junction 5 on the A483 there is a designated, signposted route for coaches to follow into the Town Centre. Set down/pick up point on High Street only 100 yards from the Church and in the centre of the main shopping area.
Also, by prior booking only
- Secure, free parking just 200 yards away
- Coach wash facility
- Complimentary driver refreshments.
Bookings and further details are available through the Wrexham Tourist Information Centre – Tel: 01978 292015, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
St Giles Parish Church, Wrexham.
(commonly known as ‘Wrexham Parish Church’)
Mission: A Visible and Active Christian Witness at the Heart of Wrexham.
Ministry: Working with people from other Town Centre churches and other faiths, to serve those who work, shop, study, visit and live in the Town Centre
A building still in regular use for its original purposes of prayer, praise and worship when it was completed 500 years ago.
Subject to volunteer availability, St Giles is open, warm and lit every day.
Every year, St Giles provides:
- Nearly 200 hours of organised worship provided through 230 regular services – the first one every Sunday held at 8am. It also includes one weekly service specifically for families and young children. Also a further 90 other services (Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals also Special Services – eg Mayors Sunday). This makes a grand total of about 320 services pa.
- Nearly 2,000 hours when, subject to volunteer availability, St Giles is open, warm and lit
- Approximately 60 Concerts and Recitals, a significant proportion during December!
- Approximately 750 cooked two course meals to members of a regular Lunch Club
- Nearly 80 hours of play etc to toddlers and their parents, carers etc
- Over 20 hours for Dads and their children to have time together
- Over 50 hours providing a Memory Café for people with dementia and their carers etc
- Over 50 hours providing an Activity Group for older people
- Regular seasonal Tower Climbs presently attracting approximately 150 visitors
- Approximately 4-6 meetings and small conferences
It is probably one of the busiest churches in Wales!
From the four regular services each week we have congregations totalling about 150 people. Many of these people are also volunteers in the myriad tasks needed to deliver all these events and activities. In 2017, it was estimated that they provided a total of about 6,500 volunteer hours.
In the churchyard, it also provides a large town centre green area including benches and litter bins. It is a bit crowded with 62 trees (mostly self-seeded) and 59 chest tombs. It also has numerous other tombs and family vaults. All surrounded by ¼ mile boundary railings (needs repainting!).
The church is engaging with the Town Centre in a variety of ways eg
- actively supporting activities such as eg Womens Aid, Foodbanks etc
- through eg hosting the annual ‘Wedding Trail’, being part of the monthly Street Festivals, Victorian Christmas Market etc
St Giles is an Anglican Church and part of the Church in Wales which separated from the Church of England in 1920. The Church in Wales has its own Archbishop who, currently, is at Brecon Cathedral. St Giles is situated in the Diocese of St Asaph, one of the six Dioceses in Wales. Within the Diocese it is part of the Wrexham Mission Area.
In common with other Anglican churches in the UK, St Giles Parish Church receives no funding from the Crown or the Government and none from ‘the Church’. On a point of principle, the Church is open to all our visitors, with no entrance charge.
In 2018, excluding any building repair costs, St Giles Parish Church is budgeted to cost £330 per day to run. It will be reliant on income from
- fees and charges,
- regular giving and collections at services,
- regular social and fundraising activities, together with
- donations.
Donations are crucial to us in delivering our mission and ministry. We work hard to generate enough income through social and fundraising activities to meet regular running costs. However we have to rely on donations to sustain this place of worship and iconic building and to carry out a programme of urgent major repairs.
In 2017, St Giles welcomed nearly 27,000 visitors, including those attending recitals, concerts, fundraising events, Tower Climbs etc together with special and other services. Many casual visitors are from overseas. All of them are interested to know that the church is:
- A Site of continuous Christian Worship for at least 800 years.
- An iconic, Grade 1 Listed Building in the Town Centre, the only one.
- A statement of Tudor political power and wealth with a direct link to the English Crown.
- An integral and important part of the history and life of the Town Centre.
- The greatest medieval Parish Church in Wales, which at 180 feet long (55 metres) is about the same length as the Cathedral Church of St Asaph.
- Described by Dr David Starkey as “…..astonishing…..”
- Described by Sir Simon Jenkins as “..the Glory of the Marches..” In a survey of Churches, Cathedrals, Country Houses and Castles in Wales, he awarded the Church ‘4 stars out of 4’, making it one of the 'Top 30' buildings in Wales, alongside, locally, Erddig, Chirk Castle etc
- A Member of:
o the Wrexham group ‘Working towards being Dementia friendly’
o Wrexham TCC
o the Wrexham Town Centre Forum
o the Wrexham Wedding Trail
o the Wrexham Tourism Destination Partnership
o thisiswrexham
o the Wrexham Open Churches Network
o the Greater Churches Network, alongside Beverley Minster, Wimborne Minster, Bath Abbey, Tewksbury Abbey, Doncaster Minster etc
- awarded by TripAdvisor: 'Certificate of Excellence' 2016 and 2017
- rated by TripAdvisor: 5th out of 61 things to do in Wrexham