ALL SOULS Our annual service commemorating the departed will take place Sunday 5th November at 6pm. A list for names is available at the back of the Church.
CHURCH CLUB We begin the new half-term on Monday 6th at 3.30pm.
CHURCH COMMITTEE There will be a meeting in the South Aisle on Wednesday 8th November at 7pm.
MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS The course, which will be run by the Diocese, will now take place on Thursday 9th November from 2pm-5pm . The course aims to help us to improve our support of those in need of our understanding and will be attended by the Management Team along with the invited representatives of each of our Volunteer teams.
CONCERT Cor Glyndwr and Cantorion Rhos will be performing Mozart’s Coronation Mass and other items here on Saturday 18th November at 7.30pm. Please see the poster for details.
100 CLUB: 106 Val Atkinson 2 Bryn Williams 44 Pearl Shone
SUPPORTING ST GILES’ We are especially grateful for all forms of donation.
You can give by the Gift Direct Scheme (leaflets available) or by Standing Order to Wrexham Parish Church ( 40-47-26 account 30883182) or by our Stewardship Scheme - to give a one-off gift: Or a monthly gift here:
Please note that donations may be made via the Contactless Terminal, which accepts £3, £5 or £10, or by the QR code which can accept any amount. Both are to be found at the back of the Church.
AMAZONSMILE You can also nominate St Giles’ as your charity with Amazon