There will be HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES at St Giles' next Sunday, 1st October with a HARVEST BUFFET LUNCH after the 11am service. Tickets are £12.50. Numbers for the lunch needed as soon as possible please!

HARVEST FOOD BANK Tinned fruit and vegetables, tea/coffee, pasta, UHT milk, large juices and toiletries are especially welcome donations and may be brought to the Harvest service next Sunday.

HOUSEKEEPING TEAM We are planning to develop this new team of volunteers in order to enhance our standards. Could you join on a rota or even occasional basis? If so please contact Ann.

BRING & BUY COFFEE MORNING This will be on Saturday 14th October—and we will welcome items to sell! Tickets will be £2 and profits are for Church Funds.

SUPPORTING ST GILES’ We continue to welcome your responses to the appeal for financial support for our mission of Christian witness at the heart of Wrexham.

VISIT MY MOSQUE DAY is today Sunday 24th September between 11am and 3pm at the Mosque on Grosvenor Road, and all are welcome.


SUPPORTING ST GILES’  We are especially grateful for all forms of donation.

You can give by the Gift Direct Scheme (leaflets available) or by Standing Order to Wrexham Parish Church ( 40-47-26 account 30883182) or by our Stewardship Scheme - to give a one-off gift: Or a monthly gift here:

Please note that donations may be made via the Contactless Terminal, which accepts £3, £5 or £10, or by the QR code which can accept any amount. Both are to be found at the back of the Church.

AMAZONSMILE  You can also nominate St Giles’ as your charity with Amazon